
The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Decor

The youngest little human in our household turned one this past weekend. It is exciting and sad at the same time. You know going into something like this, that your little baby is not going to stay a baby for ever, yet secretly you wish they would. In a few short months, I suspect I will be letting you know that he has begun to walk.

So, I took over 200 pictures this weekend of  the party festivities. I am not going to just upload all of them and hope you will not get bored to death and disown me. No. That would not be very nice to you or myself. Plus, I don't feel like spending all day in front of this screen pretending to ignore the little humans while they play in the background.

I am sorting pictures and categorizing them into different sets. Each set will have a theme and a group of pictures. If you want to see all the party had to offer, you are just going to have to come back and play my little games. Haha.

Without further ado......

The Very Hungry Caterpillar.





This was one of the best creations, we as parental units have come up with to date. It turned out more beautiful than I pictured, as we walked down the store aisles filling our cart with crap. We did simple. The only food we had were the veggie cups w/ranch dressing, Chicken Finger platter, a fruit tray, and of course the cupcakes.

It was a lot of work though, don't get me wrong. We stayed up until 2am the night before and worked for several more hours the day of making sure all the boxes were checked off. I made my dad's butter cream icing for the cupcake's my wife made and it turned out perfect. The cupcake caterpillar was done by, yours truly. After placing each cake, I was flustered with how lack luster it appeared. So, being artistic I cut out legs and placed them under the cupcakes. I also did ears. These items were just made out of construction paper. The caterpillar face was the final touch it needed.

Please comment if you have any questions for me. I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions.

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